Thursday 14 April 2011

Introducing Anna

Well my life! I am happier than I have ever been, but like majority of people I am impatient. I don't want to wait for things to get better. I did that for long enough!

These days I tend to want to go for the moment. Of course, when you have kids, not always possible!

I am 35 years young and I find myself single, I have some regrets about the choices I made in life, because of how it affected the people around me. Me on the other hand, I have embraced the things that have happened in my life and know that they have made me who I am today!

Aha, now you want to know what those things are! It will come when the time is right ; -)

A dear friend asked me to write in 200 words what I look for when I go on dating sites! Without realising it at the time I had described what I believe  that dear friend to be lol 
We have been chatting on line for over a year. We laugh, we can chat about nothing really. He has been there for me when I had my heart broken also when my nan passed away he had the right words. 
Yet I have never met him, why you ask.
Part of me thinks he is ideal, we wouldn't be in each others pockets as he does work away some times. We do have same sense of humour and same sort of interests. 
Then the sensible side kicks in, do you want to spoil such a great friendship! 

And earlier I did say I want to go for the moment eh . . . . .  

Lol ooh what to do.

Because we have never met I keep teasing him, which he loves of course. I say I don't think he is a business man and coming up with different scenarios as to what his life is really like. Now given my sense of humour, they can be quite far fetched.  I am lucky I haven't offended him, but he knows my sense of humour lol

From time to time I may drop the scenarios in :

Ed scenario 1: the most recent, was I said that he wanted to become a vicar and spent many years at a religious college. When it came down to it they didn't think he had enough life experience.  So he was told to go and live life for a year and come back, well he is having such a good time he does not want to go back to the habit, and is torn between his love for god and his lust for living lol

He laughs every time I come up with a scenario,  

Well that's it for now...

Maybe we'll chat again tomorrow not that you get a word in anyway, I think that sometimes I talk far too much lol


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